Using one node's features as the READOUT function for graph level classification problem


Thanks for this great open-sourced package.

I am trying to do graph level classification following

It uses dgl.mean_nodes() to represent each graph in a batch and fed into the downstream classifier. However, in my specific use case, I am interested in representing this graph with one node’s feature in the graph, I know the index of the node and I could retrieve it by using h[index] for one graph but I am wondering how do I do it in the batched graph setting?

Thank you so much!

You only need to slice the rows of the node features in the batched graph with the node indices.

Thanks for the prompt reply. How do I find the way DGL separates each graph in the batched graph? because each graph is associated with a different node index that I can slice.

See the example below:

import dgl
import torch
from dgl import DGLGraph

g1 = DGLGraph()
g1.ndata['h'] = torch.tensor([[0.], [1.]])
g2 = DGLGraph()
g2.ndata['h'] = torch.tensor([[2.], [3.], [4.]])
bg = dgl.batch([g1, g2])
# [2, 3]

# Node indices to fetch, node 0 from the first graph 
# and node 1 from the second graph
to_fetch = torch.LongTensor([0., 1.])
num_nodes_ = bg.batch_num_nodes
num_nodes_.insert(0, 0)
offset = torch.cumsum(torch.LongTensor(num_nodes_), dim=0)[:-1]
print(bg.ndata['h'][to_fetch + offset])
# tensor([[0.], [3.]])

Works well. Thank you!!