Updating node based on neighbour and edge features

I posted earlier about a horse race prediction model. One module of my model is to update historical race nodes based on the incoming horse nodes and corresponding edges. Importantly, both neighbouring node features AND edge features need to be considered.

I’d like to double check that my current module should work correctly. For what it’s worth, g is a batched graph. Conceptually, what this should do is for each incoming run edge to a race node, concatenate the run features with the horse features respectively and take the mean. Then generate a new race feature vector with a learnable function and add this new race feature vector to the original race feature vector. Please let me know if there is something in built I should be using instead.

The entire model is not predicting better than random, and when I completely remove this module the accuracy does not change. I’d appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks.

class RaceUpdateModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        horse_embed_dim: int, 
        run_edge_dim: int, 
        race_embed_dim: int
        super(RaceUpdateModule, self).__init__()

        self.get_node_updates = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(horse_embed_dim + run_edge_dim, race_embed_dim)

    def forward(self, g: dgl.DGLHeteroGraph):
        def concat_message_func(edges):
            return {"concat_features": torch.cat([edges.src["h"], edges.data["h"]], dim=-1)}
        def learnable_reduce_func(nodes):
            h_mean = torch.mean(nodes.mailbox["concat_features"], dim=1)
            return {"h_agg": self.get_node_updates(h_mean)}

            {("horse", "run", "race"): (concat_message_func, learnable_reduce_func)},

        g.nodes["race"].data["h"] += g.nodes["race"].data["h_agg"]

        return g

The GNN code itself looked fine as it is a straightforward RGCN-like model that averages the neighboring representations. So I guess the problem is outside the GNN, e.g. feature engineering, etc.

For instance, how do you process the input features before feeding into the GNN? If they are raw numeric features (like you feed in the date, age, etc., as-is, without any projection), I doubt if directly passing it into GNNs it is sufficient, as you will just be averaging the numeric features at the first layer.

A common way to debug your deep learning model is to fix a minibatch of graph and try overfitting on it. If your model can’t overfit on even a single minibatch, then there is definitely a problem.

Great, thank you. I apologise if I have confused my project by asking questions about the individual modules. Below, I have included my model in its entirety. The features on each edge/node were normalised in the csv that I used to construct the graphs in the first place.

import torch
from dgl.dataloading import GraphDataLoader
import dgl
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import dgl.function as fn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class InitialEmbedModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        node_feat_dims: dict[str, int], 
        edge_feat_dims: dict[str, int], 
        node_embed_dims: dict[str, int],
        edge_embed_dims: dict[str, int],
        global_dim: int
        super(InitialEmbedModule, self).__init__()

        # Node embeddings
        self.race_embed = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(node_feat_dims["race"], node_embed_dims["race"]),
        self.horse_embed = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(node_feat_dims["horse"], node_embed_dims["horse"]),
        self.runner_embed = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(node_feat_dims["runner"] + global_dim, node_embed_dims["runner"]),
        # Edge embeddings
        self.run_horse_embed = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(edge_feat_dims["run"], edge_embed_dims["run"]),
        self.run_runner_embed = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(edge_feat_dims["run"], edge_embed_dims["run"]),

    def forward(self, g: dgl.DGLHeteroGraph, global_context: torch.tensor):
        # Create node embeddings
        race_embed = self.race_embed(g.nodes["race"].data["features"])
        g.nodes["race"].data["h"] = race_embed
        horse_embed = self.horse_embed(g.nodes["horse"].data["features"])
        g.nodes["horse"].data["h"] = horse_embed
        def expand_global_to_edges(batched_graph, global_context):
            node_counts = batched_graph.batch_num_nodes("runner")
            expanded_context = []
            for i, count in enumerate(node_counts):
                expanded_context.append(global_context[i].expand(count, -1))
            return torch.cat(expanded_context, dim=0)

        global_context_expanded = expand_global_to_edges(g, global_context)
        runner_embed = self.runner_embed(torch.concat([g.nodes["runner"].data["features"], 
                                                       global_context_expanded], dim=-1))
        g.nodes["runner"].data["h"] = runner_embed
        # Create canonical edge embeddings
        run_horse_embed = self.run_horse_embed(g.edges[("horse", "run", "race")].data["features"])
        g.edges[("horse", "run", "race")].data["h"] = run_horse_embed
        run_runner_embed = self.run_runner_embed(g.edges[("race", "run", "runner")].data["features"])
        g.edges[("race", "run", "runner")].data["h"] = run_runner_embed
        return g

class RaceUpdateModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        horse_embed_dim: int, 
        run_edge_dim: int, 
        race_embed_dim: int
        super(RaceUpdateModule, self).__init__()

        self.get_node_updates = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(horse_embed_dim + run_edge_dim, race_embed_dim),
            nn.Linear(race_embed_dim, race_embed_dim),
        self.normalise_nodes = nn.BatchNorm1d(race_embed_dim)

    def forward(self, g: dgl.DGLHeteroGraph):
        def concat_message_func(edges):
            return {"concat_features": torch.cat([edges.src["h"], edges.data["h"]], dim=-1)}
        def learnable_reduce_func(nodes):
            h_mean = torch.mean(nodes.mailbox["concat_features"], dim=1)
            return {"h_agg": self.get_node_updates(h_mean)}

            {("horse", "run", "race"): (concat_message_func, learnable_reduce_func)},

        g.nodes["race"].data["h"] = self.normalise_nodes(g.nodes["race"].data["h"] 
                                                         + g.nodes["race"].data["h_agg"])

        return g

class RunnerUpdateModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, runner_embed_dim, race_embed_dim, run_edge_dim):
        super(RunnerUpdateModule, self).__init__()
        self.get_node_updates = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(race_embed_dim + run_edge_dim, runner_embed_dim),
            nn.Linear(runner_embed_dim, runner_embed_dim),
        self.normalise_nodes = nn.BatchNorm1d(runner_embed_dim)
        attn_input_size = run_edge_dim + race_embed_dim + runner_embed_dim
        self.attention_fc = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(attn_input_size, attn_input_size // 2),
            nn.Linear(attn_input_size // 2, 1),

    def forward(self, g: dgl.DGLHeteroGraph, graph_metadata):
        def compute_attention_score(edges):
            concat_features = torch.cat([edges.src["h"], edges.dst["h"], edges.data["h"]], dim=-1)
            scores = self.attention_fc(concat_features)
            return {"a_raw": scores}
        g.apply_edges(compute_attention_score, etype=("race", "run", "runner"))
        def message_func(edges):
            concat_features = torch.cat([edges.src["h"], edges.data["h"]], dim=-1)
            return {"concat_features": concat_features, "a_raw": edges.data["a_raw"], "run_ids": edges.data["run_id"]}
        def learnable_reduce_func(nodes):
            attn_norm = torch.softmax(nodes.mailbox["a_raw"], dim=1)

            h_sum = torch.sum(attn_norm * nodes.mailbox["concat_features"], dim=1)
            return {"h_agg": self.get_node_updates(h_sum)}

            {("race", "run", "runner"): (message_func, learnable_reduce_func)},

        g.nodes["runner"].data["h"] = self.normalise_nodes(g.nodes["runner"].data["h"] 
                                                           + g.nodes["runner"].data["h_agg"])

        return g

class HorseRacePredictionGNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        node_feat_dims: dict[str, int], 
        edge_feat_dims: dict[str, int], 
        node_embed_dims: dict[str, int],
        edge_embed_dims: dict[str, int],
        global_dim: int,
        max_runners: int,
        num_race_update_layers: int,
        num_runner_update_layers: int
        super(HorseRacePredictionGNN, self).__init__()

        self.max_runners = max_runners

        self.initial_embed = InitialEmbedModule(node_feat_dims, edge_feat_dims, 
                                                node_embed_dims, edge_embed_dims,
        self.update_races_layers = nn.ModuleList([
            for _ in range(num_race_update_layers)
        self.update_runner_layers = nn.ModuleList([
            for _ in range(num_runner_update_layers)
        class_input_dim = max_runners * node_embed_dims["runner"] + global_dim
        self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(class_input_dim, class_input_dim // 2),
            nn.BatchNorm1d(class_input_dim // 2),
            nn.Linear(class_input_dim // 2, max_runners)

    def get_ordered_runners_embedding(self, g: dgl.DGLHeteroGraph, max_runners: int) -> torch.Tensor:
        num_graphs = g.batch_size
        runner_node_batches = g.batch_num_nodes("runner")

        runner_box_numbers = g.nodes["runner"].data["run_box_number"]
        runner_embeddings = g.nodes["runner"].data["h"]

        all_ordered_embeddings = torch.zeros((num_graphs, max_runners, runner_embeddings.size(-1)), dtype=torch.float32, 

        for i in range(num_graphs):
            batch_start = sum(runner_node_batches[:i])
            batch_end = batch_start + runner_node_batches[i]

            for j, box_num in enumerate(runner_box_numbers[batch_start:batch_end]):
                runner_embedding = runner_embeddings[batch_start + j]
                all_ordered_embeddings[i, box_num - 1] = runner_embedding

        concatenated_embeddings = all_ordered_embeddings.view(num_graphs, -1)

        return concatenated_embeddings

    def forward(self, g: dgl.DGLHeteroGraph, global_context: torch.Tensor, graph_metadata):
        with g.local_scope():
            g = self.initial_embed(g, global_context)
            for update_race_layer in self.update_races_layers:
                g = update_race_layer(g)
            for update_runner_layer in self.update_runner_layers:
                g = update_runner_layer(g, graph_metadata)

            runners_representation = self.get_ordered_runners_embedding(g, self.max_runners)
            output = self.classifier(torch.concat([runners_representation, global_context], dim=-1))

            return output

Here is what an example graph looks like.

Graph(num_nodes={'horse': 884, 'race': 236, 'runner': 8},
      num_edges={('horse', 'run', 'race'): 1541, ('race', 'run', 'runner'): 254},
      metagraph=[('horse', 'race', 'run'), ('race', 'runner', 'run')])

The “current race” refers to the race for which the outcome is being predicted using a graph.

A horse is a historical competitor with static features (breed, colour, etc.)
A runner is a competitor in the current race with static features (breed, colour, etc.) and features about its run in the current race (using only information that would be available prior to the race start incl. starting_gate, weight, age.)
A race is a historical race with static features about that race not related to horses that ran in that race (track_name, distance.)

A ('horse', 'run', 'race') is a historical horse’s run in a historical race with features about its performance in that race (starting_gate, weight, age, finishing_time etc.)
A ('race', 'runner', 'run') is a historical performance of a runner in the current race with features about its performance in that race (starting_gate, weight, age, finishing_time etc.)

My pipeline is this:

  1. Initialise embeddings for each node/edge. runner embeddings are initialised with global context (static features about the current race such as distance.)
  2. Aggregate information from horse nodes and their corresponding run edges to update the pertinent historical race node. This new race embedding should now be informed of the competitors in their race and their performances.
  3. For each runner node, compute attention scores for each incoming historical run edge. These scores are stored on the respective edges.
  4. Update the embedding of each runner node by taking a weighted sum of its historical performances (where each weight is an attention score.) Effectively, the updated runner node should now be imbued with information about its historical performances in historical races and the competition in those races based on which historical races the model has learned are more important for that given runner.

I understand that there is a lot here and it may appear convoluted. If assisting to this degree is outside the scope of this support forum, I apologise and will refrain from asking such questions. I appreciate your helpfulness and don’t wish to bombard you with complex/unclear questions. Thanks.

p.s. I have debugged the pipeline and the model does overfit on a small dataset without regularisation.

Since your model indeed is capable of overfitting on a small dataset, I guess there is no significant bug in your pipeline. The problem now lies in either model capacity or the data itself. From your code and model description, it seems that you are just performing two updates with self-attention weighted averages. Perhaps this is not enough for your problem? You could make your graph undirected, and run an RGCN or RGAT on it with more layers (DGL has examples) or try increasing the hidden dimensions etc. That being said, I’m no expert on this domain, so I could only give very general advice out of my sketchy anticipation.

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