Unsupervised graphsage

I want to find similar implementation of original unsupervised graphsage implementation https://github.com/williamleif/GraphSAGE in DGL.
Is there an existing implementation for this?

There is a built-in GraphSAGE module which implements a single layer of GraphSAGE, plus a complete example that uses this module.

Those are supervised examples. But it doesn’t have any unsupervised examples


We have a unsupervised example by link prediction you can find at the later section in https://github.com/dglai/DGL_devday_tutorial/blob/master/BasicTasks_pytorch.ipynb


@VoVAllen @ghaffarian
Sorry for not being specific, I’m looking for unsupervised training for heterogenous graphs, basically nodes with different initial features

Hi, navmarri, have you find the unsupervised version for GraphSage? If yes, could you please send me. Thank you very much. My mail address is liyicong123[at]outlook[dot]com

We have made a PR of unsupervised GraphSAGE at https://github.com/dmlc/dgl/pull/1440