Tree LSTM source code

I read the tutorial code of tree-lstm. While I get confused if the code keeps consistent with the original formular.
g.ndata['iou'] = self.cell.W_iou((embeds)) * batch.mask.float().unsqueeze(-1) is called outside, but the value seems not be passed to the message passing, the iou =['iou'] + self.b_iou only contains U_iou(h_cat) + b_iou, where is W_iou(x_z)?

I also have another question. In self.U_f = nn.Linear(2 * [h_size], 2 * [h_size]) why the output dimension is not 3 * [h_size]), and what is the dimension of nodes.mailbox['h'].size()? It seems the dimension of the element-wise multiplication for the following is not same.
f = th.sigmoid(self.U_f(h_cat)).view(*nodes.mailbox['h'].size())
c = th.sum(f * nodes.mailbox['c'], 1)

Thanks for your help.

The tutorial link:

The W_iou(x_z) are initializing the leaves. During prop_nodes, DGL will first perform message passing on the leaves as topological_nodes_generator gives. Those nodes do not have incoming edges, so message_func and reduce_func are skipped, so h and c are initialized from ndata['iou'] = self.cell.W_iou(embeds). After that, message passing runs on the internal nodes which only receives h and c from the children. W_iou are not used for these nodes.

The dimensionality of nodes.mailbox['h'].size() will be (num_nodes, num_neighbors, h_size). In our tutorial, the tree is always binary, and the left and right children will have different weight matrices (i.e. the summation in Eq 1-4). We implement that by concatenating the left child’s representation with the right child’s one, which is equivalent to reshaping. The result should be correct.


Dear BarclayII,

Thanks so much for your kindly reply. Your post completely solved my questions.

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