The way to make smaller EdgeBatch (udf)


I’m making my own GNN but i’m having trouble.

I want to make EdgeBatch’s batch_size smaller
while using udf (update_all).
Because i’m trying to use heavy codes inside the message function,
it calls memory allocation problem…

But I can’t find how to make EdgeBatch’s size smaller…
I will be glad to know how.

or you can tell me how to use smaller EdgeBatch without update_all.


I think you could try with dgl.DGLGraph.apply_edges — DGL 0.7.0 documentation which support apply UDF on specified edges, not all edges. Then you could call update_all but choose the proper message passing function, because you have already updated edges. pls refer to 2.1 Built-in Functions and Message Passing APIs — DGL 0.7.0 documentation for more details.

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