Subgraph sampling + position encoding

Hi all,

Are you guys aware of some code example with DGL recent version that does subgraph sampling + position encoding?

I saw this paper called SumGNN, and wanted to implement it with DGL, but I am new to it. The process would be something like this:

  1. Create data loader: Dataloader iterates over node pair;
  2. Sample subgraph: For each pair, sample k-hops subgraph (maybe using dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors?) and add some randomness for regularization
  3. Encode position: For each subgraph, add to node’s data their distance relative to the central node pair;
  4. Merge subgraphs: dgl.batch([subgraphs])
  5. Feed data to the model:


Your understanding is totally correct.

For Step 2 and Step 3, one way may be using g.in_edges() combined with numpy functions to get the predecessors (or the other way around), as well as their distances to the center pair:

u, v = node_pair
all_vs = np.array([u, v])   # nodes of the subgraph
d = np.array([0, 0])    # distance to the center
vs = all_vs             # current traversal frontier
for i in range(n_hops):
    us, _ = g.in_edges(vs)     # get predecessors
    us = np.setdiff1d(us.numpy(), all_vs)     # find newly visited nodes
    all_vs = np.append(all_vs, us)            # add to visited nodes list
    d = np.append(d, np.zeros(len(us), dtype='int64') + i + 1)
    vs = us
sg = g.subgraph(vs)
sg.ndata['dist'] = d    # distance

Thank you so much for answering @BarclayII I didn’t want to reply before trying it myself, but adapting this code to a heterogeneous graph was very hard. Would you have any suggestions? I will post my code when I have something reasonable


  • I wanted to have 2 node distances, one for each node in the central pair;
  • I wanted the subgraph to consider not only in_edges but also out_edges;

It seems that I will have to i) iterate over all edge/node types; ii) create one subgraph for each node in the seed pair, to get the distances relative to them; iii) use in_edges and out_edges for each k_hop.

Putting all together seems to create a massive overhead…maybe transforming to homogeneous and back to heterogeneous is worth it…or instead of doing it inside of the dataloader, do it as a preprocessing, and use the dataloader just to add randomness.

If you only want distances between two nodes regardless of edge type, then for now the fastest solution seems to be converting between homogeneous graph and heterogeneous graph using dgl.to_homogeneous() and dgl.to_heterogeneous(). You could convert the heterogeneous graph to homogeneous one, compute the features, and put the features back.

Hi @BarclayII, I wrote the functions below. I am mostly posting it so other people can use it if they need it, but If you have the time, would you mind sharing if you think that there is a faster/better way of doing it? But only if you think it is a quick thing to do, otherwise, I am already thankful for your initial help!

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
import networkx as nx
import dgl
import torch

node_range = 5
number_edges = 20
hg = dgl.heterograph({
    ('user', 'plays', 'game'): (torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1), torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1)),
    ('store', 'sells', 'game'): (torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1), torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1)),

def get_subgraph_from_heterograph(hg, seed_node_1, seed_node_2, k_hops, fanout, print_time):
    This function will create a subgraph around an edge pair, given the original heterogenoeus graph.
    node_range = 5
    number_edges = 20
    hg = dgl.heterograph({
        ('user', 'plays', 'game'): (torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1), torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1)),
        ('store', 'sells', 'game'): (torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1), torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1)),

    It will output:
    - All the nodes in the subgraph in the format: dict(node_type:node_id)
    ex: {'store': [0, 1, 2, 4], 'game': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'user': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}
    - The distances of all the nodes to each seed_node in the format: dict(node_type: tensor of shape (n_nodes,2))
    All nodes have distace -1, and if they are less than k_hops away, then their distances are 0 to k_hops.
    ex: defaultdict(dict,
            {'game': tensor([[ 2.,  0.],
                     [ 2.,  1.],
                     [-1.,  1.],
                     [ 2.,  1.],
                     [ 0.,  1.]]),
             'store': tensor([[-1.,  0.],
                     [-1.,  2.],
                     [ 1.,  1.],
                     [ 1., -1.],
                     [-1.,  2.]]),
             'user': tensor([[ 1.,  2.],
                     [ 0.,  2.],
                     [ 1.,  0.],
                     [-1.,  0.],
                     [-1.,  0.]])})
        hg : dgl.Heterograph.
        It assumes that all IDs are continuous from 0 to n_ID. If it is not the case, 
        distances will raise an error, because the node ID is used as index.
        seed_node_1 : dict(node_type: [node_id])
            One of the node in the center pair
        seed_node_2 : dict(node_type: [node_id])
            The other node in the center pair
        k_hops : int
            Number of hops around the center edge
        fanout : int
            Number of node, per edge type, to get at each hop. fanout = -1 will get all connected nodes
        print_time: bool True/False
            Prints the time it took to create the subgraph
    t1 =
    distances = defaultdict(dict)
    for node_type in hg.ntypes:
        distances[node_type] = -torch.ones(hg.num_nodes(node_type), 2)
    idx = 0
    nodes_subgraph_1 = defaultdict(set)
    nodes_subgraph_2 = defaultdict(set)
    for nodes_subgraph, seed_node in zip([nodes_subgraph_1, nodes_subgraph_2], [seed_node_1, seed_node_2]):
        subgraph_in = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(hg, nodes = seed_node, fanout = fanout, edge_dir ='in')
        subgraph_out = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(hg, nodes = seed_node, fanout = fanout, edge_dir ='out')

        for node_type, node_ids in seed_node.items():
            distances[node_type][node_ids, idx] = 0
        for k_hop in range(k_hops):

            subgraphs = [subgraph_in, subgraph_out]
            new_adj_nodes = defaultdict(set)

            for subgraph in subgraphs:

                for node_type_1, edge_type, node_type_2 in subgraph.canonical_etypes:
                    nodes_id_1, nodes_id_2 = subgraph.all_edges(etype = edge_type)



            new_adj_nodes = {key:list(value) for key, value in new_adj_nodes.items()}

            subgraph_in = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(hg, nodes = dict(new_adj_nodes), fanout = fanout, edge_dir ='in')
            subgraph_out = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(hg, nodes = dict(new_adj_nodes), fanout = fanout, edge_dir ='out')
            for node_type, node_ids in new_adj_nodes.items():
                distances[node_type][node_ids, idx] = k_hop + 1

        idx += 1
    #merge nodes_subgraph_1 and nodes_subgraph_2
    nodes_subgraph = dict()
    for node_type in nodes_subgraph_2.keys():
        nodes_subgraph[node_type] = list(nodes_subgraph_1[node_type].union(nodes_subgraph_2[node_type]))
    t2 =
    if print_time:
        print('time:', t2 - t1)
    return nodes_subgraph, distances

def draw_graph(subgraph):
    Draws a homogeneous graph
    g_nx = homo_g.to_networkx(node_attrs=['_TYPE'], edge_attrs=['_TYPE'])

    node_attr_dict = nx.get_node_attributes(g_nx, '_TYPE')
    node_color = torch.tensor(list(node_attr_dict.values()))

    # pos = nx.random_layout(g_nx)
    pos = nx.spring_layout(g_nx)

    plt.figure(figsize = (10,10))
            node_color = node_color,
def get_subgraph_from_homograph(g, seed_node_1, seed_node_2, k_hops, print_time):
    This function will create a subgraph around an edge pair, given the a homogeneous graph.
    node_range = 5
    number_edges = 20
    hg = dgl.heterograph({
        ('user', 'plays', 'game'): (torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1), torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1)),
        ('store', 'sells', 'game'): (torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1), torch.randint(0, node_range, (number_edges, 1)).reshape(-1)),
    g = dgl.to_homogeneous(hg)

    It will output:
    - All the nodes in the subgraph in the format: [node_ids]
    ex: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
    - The distances of all the nodes to each seed_node in the format: tensor of shape (n_nodes,2)
    All nodes have distace -1, and if they are less than k_hops away, then their distances are 0 to k_hops.
    ex: tensor([[0., 2.],
                [2., 1.],
                [2., 2.],
                [2., 2.],
                [2., 1.],
                [2., 1.],
                [1., 2.],
                [2., 3.],
                [1., 1.],
                [2., 1.],
                [2., 0.],
                [1., 2.],
                [1., 2.],
                [1., 2.],
                [1., 2.]])
        g : dgl.graph
        It assumes that all IDs are continuous from 0 to n_ID. If it is not the case, 
        distances will raise an error, because the node ID is used as index.
        seed_node_1 : [node_id]
            One of the node in the center pair
        seed_node_2 : [node_id]
            The other node in the center pair
        k_hops : int
            Number of hops around the center edge
        print_time: bool True/False
            Prints the time it took to create the subgraph
    t1 =

    distances = -torch.ones(g.num_nodes(), 2)

    idx = 0
    nodes_subgraph_1 = set()
    nodes_subgraph_2 = set()
    for nodes_subgraph, seed_node in zip([nodes_subgraph_1, nodes_subgraph_2], [seed_node_1, seed_node_2]):
        subgraph_in = g.in_edges(seed_node)
        subgraph_out = g.out_edges(seed_node)

        distances[seed_node, idx] = 0

        for k_hop in range(k_hops):

            new_adj_nodes = set()

            for nodes_id_1, nodes_id_2 in [subgraph_in, subgraph_out]:

                nodes_id = set(nodes_id_1.numpy()).union(set(nodes_id_2.numpy()))

            new_adj_nodes = list(new_adj_nodes)
            subgraph_in = g.in_edges(new_adj_nodes)
            subgraph_out = g.out_edges(new_adj_nodes)

            distances[new_adj_nodes, idx] = k_hop + 1

        idx += 1
    nodes_subgraph = list(nodes_subgraph_1.union(nodes_subgraph_2))
    t2 =    
    if print_time:
        print('time:', t2 - t1)

    return nodes_subgraph, distances

########## HETEROGENEOUS ##########
seed_node_1 = {'game':[0]}
seed_node_2 = {'user':[0]}

print_time = True    
k_hops = 3
fanout = -1

nodes_subgraph, hetero_distances = get_subgraph_from_heterograph(hg, seed_node_1, seed_node_2, k_hops, fanout, print_time)

for node_type in hg.ntypes:
    hg.nodes[node_type].data['center_dist'] = hetero_distances[node_type]

subgraph = hg.subgraph(nodes_subgraph)
homo_g = dgl.to_homogeneous(subgraph)

########## HOMOGENEOUS ##########
seed_node_1 = [0]
seed_node_2 = [hg.num_nodes('game')+hg.num_nodes('store')]

k_hops = 3
print_time = True    

g = dgl.to_homogeneous(hg)

nodes_subgraph, distances = get_subgraph_from_homograph(g, seed_node_1, seed_node_2, k_hops, print_time)

g.ndata['center_dist'] = distances    

subgraph = g.subgraph(nodes_subgraph)

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