Hey team, I am running into a Segmentation Fault error with GraphBolt and unsure how to debug this as I have a very small graph:
Graph(num_nodes={'account': 98, 'imperative': 27},
num_edges={('account', 'has_imperative', 'imperative'): 264},
metagraph=[('account', 'imperative', 'has_imperative')])
And the sampling code I have created is below:
# Create the sampling graph
sampling_graph = gb.from_dglgraph(dgl_graph)
# Create the itsemset
src, dst = dgl_graph.edges(etype="has_imperative")
node_pairs = list(zip(src.tolist(), dst.tolist()))
train_itemset = gb.ItemSet(
# Create the data loader
datapipe = gb.ItemSampler(train_itemset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)
datapipe = datapipe.copy_to(device)
datapipe = datapipe.sample_uniform_negative(sampling_graph, 5)
datapipe = datapipe.sample_neighbor(sampling_graph, [5, 5])
datapipe = datapipe.transform(partial(gb.exclude_seed_edges, include_reverse_edges=True))
datapipe = datapipe.fetch_feature(feature_store, node_feature_keys=["feat"])
data_loader = gb.DataLoader(datapipe)
Not sure if this is useful but here is how I created the feature_store
using TorchFeatureStore
# TODO: Replace with actual feature matrices
account_features = generate_random_features(98, 10)
imperative_features = generate_random_features(27, 10)
# Creat the feature store
account_feature = TorchBasedFeature(account_features)
imperative_feature = TorchBasedFeature(imperative_features)
torch.save(account_features, "/tmp/account_features.pt")
torch.save(imperative_features, "/tmp/imperative_features.pt")
# Create OnDiskFeatureData Metadata
feat_data = [
gb.OnDiskFeatureData(domain="node", type="account", name="feat", format="torch", path="/tmp/account_features.pt", in_memory=True),
gb.OnDiskFeatureData(domain="node", type="imperative", name="feat", format="torch", path="/tmp/imperative_features.pt", in_memory=True)
feature_store = TorchBasedFeatureStore(feat_data)
The error is uninformative so any guidance on how to address this would be useful. Here is some further information on my versions and infrastructure:
Torch Version: 2.1.2+cu121
, DGL Version: 2.1.0+cu121
DGL Installed by running: !pip install dgl -f https://data.dgl.ai/wheels/cu121/repo.html
Compute: g5.4xlarge
(64 GB Memory, 24GB of GPU Memory, 16 vCPUs) running on Databricks