Residual connection with neighbourhood sampling on GAT


I am trying to implement neighbourhood sampling technique with GATConv. I have followed the below implementation.

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 8.39.27 PM

The above implementation is from the DGL GitHub examples for the GAT of dataset
ogbn-products. So, from the above snippet I understood that the output shape of the GATConv layer will not be the same as the input. How do I implement residual connections in this case?

As for the full batch training, I usually follow the norm of adding the input to the output of the GATConv layer.

You only need to account the residual connection on the output nodes, so you can do things like this:

h_dst = h[:block.num_dst_nodes()]
h_delta = layer(block, (h, h_dst))
h = h_dst + h_delta
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