Process_movielens1m code does not encode user_id and movie_id


I am new to GNN and also DGL. I was following pinsage example folder to do link prediction using movielens dataset. (code is here dgl/examples/pytorch/pinsage at master · dmlc/dgl · GitHub)

I noticed that in the file, user_id and movie_id are not label encoded. Is there a reason for that?
A follow up question, when recommendations are generated in the are they the original movie_ids? if not how can I map them to the original ids? (see code: dgl/ at master · dmlc/dgl · GitHub)

@BarclayII may be you can answer that question :slight_smile: thanks!

user_id and movie_id themselves are not used in the model, so I didn’t encode them.

They are not original IDs. Although you could add them as a feature during graph construction (e.g. in dgl/ at master · dmlc/dgl · GitHub, you add another feature named original_id or something in the same fashion as gender or age).

Thanks for your quick response. one follow up question, when I print out h_item calculated via h_item =, 0)), its shape is of (number_of_unique_item_ids, embd_dim). so h_item corresponds to item node embeddings, doesnt it?

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