Pinsage curriculum training

Starting from the current example of Pinsage using Movielens, I am trying to apply the model to a slightly different bi-partite setting.
Currently, I am trying to implement a modified version of negative sampling that involves sampling nodes which are close in the neighborhood (see the image for a visualization of what I mean by this).

I tried to do this with the following code block:

class SpecialItemToItemBatchSampler(IterableDataset):
    def __init__(self, g, cfg):
        self.g = g
        self.user_type = cfg.DATASET.USER
        self.item_type = cfg.DATASET.ITEM
        self.user_to_item_etype = list(g.metagraph()[self.user_type][self.item_type])[0]
        self.item_to_user_etype = list(g.metagraph()[self.item_type][self.user_type])[0]
        self.batch_size = cfg.DATASET.SAMPLER.NODES_SAMPLER.BATCH_SIZE
    def get_negs(self, heads): 
        neg_tails = []
        khop, _ = dgl.khop_in_subgraph(self.g, {'track': heads}, k=4)  
        for seed in heads:
            parent_playlist = self.g.predecessors(seed, etype='contains')
            mask = self.g.has_edges_between(khop.ndata['_ID']['track'], parent_playlist, 'contained_by')  
            neg_options = khop.ndata['_ID']['track'][~mask]
            neg = torch.tensor(np.random.choice(neg_options, 1))

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            heads = torch.randint(0, self.g.number_of_nodes(self.item_type), (self.batch_size,))
            tails = dgl.sampling.random_walk(
                metapath=[self.item_to_user_etype, self.user_to_item_etype])[0][:, 2]
            neg_tails = self.get_negs(heads)
            mask = (tails != -1)
            yield heads[mask], tails[mask], neg_tails

and yet, when I try to run this, I am getting Runtime Error raise RuntimeError('DataLoader worker (pid(s) {}) exited unexpectedly'.format(pids_str)) from e and RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid 2938) is killed by signal: Segmentation fault.

I’ve tested on a small scale graph (see image below but ignore the labels on the nodes since they do not account for bi-partite ids):

and I can confirm that

neg_tails = [] 
heads = torch.tensor([5,7,2,0])
khop, _ = dgl.khop_in_subgraph(g, {'track': seed}, k=4)
khop.remove_nodes(heads, 'track')
for seed in heads: 
    parent_playlist = g.predecessors(seed, etype='contains')
    mask = g.has_edges_between(khop.ndata['_ID']['track'], parent_playlist, 'contained_by')  
    neg_options = khop.ndata['_ID']['track'][~mask]
    neg = torch.tensor(np.random.choice(neg_options, 1)) 
    print("seed:{}, parent:{} neg:{}".format(seed, parent_playlist, neg)) 

returns the following seemingly correct output:

{'playlist': tensor([0, 1, 2]), 'track': tensor([ 2,  7,  8, 10, 16, 17])}
seed:5, parent:tensor([0, 2]) neg:tensor([7])
seed:7, parent:tensor([0]) neg:tensor([2])
seed:2, parent:tensor([1]) neg:tensor([7])
seed:0, parent:tensor([0, 1, 2]) neg:tensor([2])

Can anyone advise on what I’m doing wrong?

Follow up, in case anyone wants to give hints or take inspiration.
I have the following prototype working, but it’s not very efficient. Any advice on speed ups would be very much appreciated :slight_smile:

class SpecialItemToItemBatchSampler(IterableDataset):
    def __init__(self, g, cfg):
        self.g = g
        self.user_type = cfg.DATASET.USER
        self.item_type = cfg.DATASET.ITEM
        self.user_to_item_etype = list(g.metagraph()[self.user_type][self.item_type])[0]
        self.item_to_user_etype = list(g.metagraph()[self.item_type][self.user_type])[0]
        self.batch_size = 3
    def get_negs2(self, heads, trace):
        options = trace[:, 4]
        mask = torch.ones(options.shape) 
        for i in range(len(heads)): 
            seed, neg= heads[i], options[i]
            parent_playlist = self.g.predecessors(seed, etype='contains')
            mask[i]= (self.g.has_edges_between(neg, parent_playlist, 'contained_by')).any()
        return options[~mask]
    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            heads = torch.randint(0, self.g.number_of_nodes(self.item_type), (self.batch_size,))
            trace, eids, types = dgl.sampling.random_walk(
                metapath=['contained_by', 'contains', 'contained_by', 'contains'])
            tails = trace[:, 2]
            neg_tails = self.get_negs2(heads, trace)
            if len(neg_tails) < len(heads): 
                aug = torch.randint(0, self.g.number_of_nodes(self.item_type), (len(heads) - len(neg_tails),)) 
                neg_tails =, aug)) 
            mask = (tails != -1)
            yield heads[mask], tails[mask], neg_tails
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The original issue might be due to out of memory.

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