Oserror: libcublas.so.11: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

Hi my cuda version is
“nvcc --version
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2023 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Mon_Apr__3_17:16:06_PDT_2023
Cuda compilation tools, release 12.1, V12.1.105
Build cuda_12.1.r12.1/compiler.32688072_0”.

But there are cuda-11, cuda-11.8, cuda-12,cuda12,1 folder in usr/local/ path. And there is libcublas.so.12 file in cuda-12 folder.

How can I import dgl without oserror?

I also meet this problem. You could try to use offical docker images.