Maximum number of nodes in a batch for MultiLayerNeighborSampler

Hi experts,

What is the maximum number of nodes in a batch that can be sampled from dgl.dataloading.MultiLayerNeighborSampler? Consider the following example for contextualizing this question:

import dgl
import numpy as np

dataset =
graph = dataset[0]

adj_sparse = graph.adj(scipy_fmt='coo') 
train_ids = np.arange(adj_sparse.shape[0])[graph.ndata['train_mask']]
graph = dgl.graph((adj_sparse.row, adj_sparse.col))  
dataset = None

fanouts = [5,5]
sampler = dgl.dataloading.MultiLayerNeighborSampler(fanouts)
dataloader = dgl.dataloading.DataLoader(
    graph, train_ids, sampler,
dataloader_iter = iter(dataloader)

input_nodes, output_nodes, mfgs = next(dataloader_iter) 
print(len(input_nodes)) # 2122

I expect that the number of nodes that we make predictions for is 64 (setting of batch_size parameter), the total number of one-hop neighbours is \leq 64 \times 5 (setting of fanouts[0]), and the total number of two-hop neighbours is \leq 5 \times (64 \times 5). Altogether, then the total number of nodes we’re passing into the GNN would be \leq 64 + 64 \times 5 + 64 \times 5 \times 5=1,984. However, I obtain a batch that has 2,122 nodes, exceeding what I thought should be the upper bound. Could someone tell me what the correct upper bound should be as a function of the batch size and the fanout array parameter (and possibly any other relevant parameters that I may have failed to consider)?

Thanks in advance!

When sampling the two-hop neighbors, the seed nodes in the minibatch will have its neighbors sampled again because certain models require the representations of the seed nodes themselves from the previous layer. So the maximum number of nodes is actually 64 + 64 * 5 + (64 + 64 * 5) * 5 = 2304.

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