Jumping knowledge layer

Hi All

I’m interested in implementing a jumping-knowledge layer and incorporating this into GNN learning. I’ve implemented the concat and lstm aggregations as described in the paper, but am concerned that I’ve done something incorrectly, as my model is not learning properly.

Assume I’m using a GAT network, and we have the following linear layer to compute attentions, and LSTM layer – this is based on code from the Pytorch-Geometric example:

if aggregation == 'cat':
            linear = Linear(num_heads*num_hidden*num_layers, num_classes, bias=True)
elif aggregation == 'lstm':
            lstm = LSTM(input_size=num_hidden * num_heads, 
                             num_layers = 2,

            attn = Linear(2*num_hidden, 1)
            linear = Linear(num_heads*num_hidden, num_classes, bias=True)
def forward(self, g=None, inputs=None, return_alpha=False, **kwds):
        Forward pass of network.

        - - - - -
        g: DGL Graph
            the graph
        inputs: tensor
            node features

        - - - - -
        logits: tensor
            output layer 

        h = inputs
        xs = []
        for l in range(self.num_layers):

            # hidden embeddings for each ```GATConv``` layer
            h = layers[l](g,h).flatten(1)
            # append embeddings to list

        # LSTM aggregator
        if self.aggregation == 'lstm':

            # input to lstm
            # xs shape will be (nodes x seq_length x features)
            xs = torch.cat(xs, dim=-1).transpose(1,2)

            ### compute attentions
            # concatenated embeddings of forward / backward LSTM pass
            alpha,_ = lstm(xs)
            alpha = attn(alpha).squeeze(-1)
            alpha = torch.softmax(alpha, dim=-1)

            # compute final embedding of JK layer
            # output will be of size (nodes x classes)
            h = (xs * alpha.unsqueeze(-1)).sum(1)
            h = linear(h)

        # CONCAT aggregator
            h = torch.cat(xs, dim=1).squeeze()
            h = linear(h)

        # apply sigmoid activation to jumping-knowledge output
        logits = torch.sigmoid(h)
        if return_alpha:
            return logits, alpha
            return logits

Does this seem reasonable? When trained and validated on the same data, a vanilla GAT network learns just fine with good training and validation accuracy and loss, while neither the cat nor lstm networks learn (high loss and low accuracy on both training and validation sets), even after training for many epochs. I feel this must be an error in my code.

Any help is much appreciated.


Your code looks fine to me. Have you tried tuning hyperparameters? With jumping knowledge layer, you may need different hyperparameters.

Hi @mufeili

I’ve tested different parameterizations i.e. number of layers, heads, hidden nodes, distribution of parameter initializations, though none seem to have a noticeable impact on the learning using the JK-GAT network.

After reading through the paper more thoroughly, the authors note that they did not apply an activation function after the JK linear layer (i.e. they did not include the following sigmoid):

logits = torch.sigmoid(h)

Removing this activation has a measurable positive affect on loss and accuracy and the model seems to perform as expected, though I’m not sure why this would be. Do you have any insight as to why removing the activation might have this affect?


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