I am a student trying to implement the code from Benchmarking Graph Neural Networks ( GitHub - graphdeeplearning/benchmarking-gnns: Repository for benchmarking graph neural networks ). Unfortunately it seems that their code base is using DGL for a version prior to 1.0.x.
I am having the following issue, which seems to stem from the fact that method adjacency_matrix_scipy was moved from the DGLGraph class to the HeteroGraphIndex as of DGL 1.0.x.
I am not certain how to resolve this issue as I’m not very familiar with Python indexing. I assume the class HeteroGraphIndex ought to be created implicitly here? Can anyone advise?
Thank you very much for your time.
P.S. I’ve posted an issue on their github as well. But if anyone here can suggest how to update this particular issue, I would be very grateful.
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_19948\3633482862.py in <module>
236 cleaner_main('main_SBMs_node_classification')
--> 238 main(True,config)
240 else:
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_19948\3633482862.py in main(notebook_mode, config)
198 net_params['total_param'] = view_model_param(MODEL_NAME, net_params)
--> 199 train_val_pipeline(MODEL_NAME, dataset, params, net_params, dirs)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_19948\760033787.py in train_val_pipeline(MODEL_NAME, dataset, params, net_params, dirs)
18 if net_params['pos_enc']:
19 print("[!] Adding graph positional encoding.")
---> 20 dataset._add_positional_encodings(net_params['pos_enc_dim'])
21 print('Time PE:',time.time()-start0)
D:\ProgramData\benchmarking-gnns\data\SBMs.py in _add_positional_encodings(self, pos_enc_dim)
242 # Graph positional encoding v/ Laplacian eigenvectors
--> 243 self.train.graph_lists = [positional_encoding(g, pos_enc_dim) for g in self.train.graph_lists]
244 self.val.graph_lists = [positional_encoding(g, pos_enc_dim) for g in self.val.graph_lists]
245 self.test.graph_lists = [positional_encoding(g, pos_enc_dim) for g in self.test.graph_lists]
D:\ProgramData\benchmarking-gnns\data\SBMs.py in <listcomp>(.0)
242 # Graph positional encoding v/ Laplacian eigenvectors
--> 243 self.train.graph_lists = [positional_encoding(g, pos_enc_dim) for g in self.train.graph_lists]
244 self.val.graph_lists = [positional_encoding(g, pos_enc_dim) for g in self.val.graph_lists]
245 self.test.graph_lists = [positional_encoding(g, pos_enc_dim) for g in self.test.graph_lists]
D:\ProgramData\benchmarking-gnns\data\SBMs.py in positional_encoding(g, pos_enc_dim)
126 """
127 # Laplacian
--> 128 A = g.adjacency_matrix_scipy(return_edge_ids=False).astype(float)
129 N = sp.diags(dgl.backend.asnumpy(g.in_degrees()).clip(1) ** -0.5, dtype=float)
130 L = sp.eye(g.number_of_nodes()) - N * A * N
AttributeError: 'DGLGraph' object has no attribute 'adjacency_matrix_scipy'