Is it possible to run dgl message passing computation step on cpu, but rest of the deep learning computations on GPU?

I have a graph with n nodes and nxn edge weights. n is in the order of 100-1000.
Most of the edge weights are zero(about 60%) and I have a dense pytorch tensor representing those edge weights.
In my forward pass the code fails during convolution step with CUDA out of memory error.
Is it possible to run dgl message passing computation step on cpu, but rest of the stuff on GPU?

P.S I am converting all the graph and edge data to gpu because the graph convolution computation step occurs during the forward pass.

Sounds very weird. Your graph is quite small (100 to 1000) and DGL’s convolution should be very efficient.

Were you computing on a minibatch of graphs? Also if you replace the graph convolution layer with another simple layer (say dense layer), does your program still exhaust memory?

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Sorry I should have given more context. I am creating graphs on temporal sets. I am using the following code
This is where the code breaks in forward pass.

def forward(self, graph, node_features, edge_weights):
    r"""Compute weighted graph convolution.
    graph : DGLGraph, batched graph.
    node_features : torch.Tensor, input features for nodes (n_1+n_2+..., in_features) or (n_1+n_2+..., T, in_features)
    edge_weights : torch.Tensor, input weights for edges  (T, n_1^2+n_2^2+..., n^2)
    shape: (N, T, out_features)
    graph = graph.local_var()
    # multi W first to project the features, with bias
    # (N, F) / (N, T, F)
    graph.ndata['n'] = node_features
    # edge_weights, shape (T, N^2)
    graph.edata['e'] = edge_weights.t()
    graph.send(graph.edges(), self.gcn_message)
    graph.recv(graph.nodes(), self.gcn_reduce)
    node_features = graph.ndata.pop('h')
    output = self.linear(node_features)
    return output

def gcn_message(edges: dgl.EdgeBatch):
    if edges.src['n'].dim() == 2:
        # (B, T, 1) (B, 1, F),  matmul ->  matmul (B, T, F)
        return {'msg': torch.matmul(['e'].unsqueeze(dim=-1), edges.src['n'].unsqueeze(dim=1))}

    elif edges.src['n'].dim() == 3:
        # (B, T, 1) (B, T, F),  mul -> (B, T, F)
        return {'msg': torch.mul(['e'].unsqueeze(dim=-1), edges.src['n'])}

        raise ValueError(f"wrong shape for edges.src['n'], the length of shape is {edges.src['n'].dim()}")

def gcn_reduce(nodes: dgl.NodeBatch):
    # propagate, the first dimension is batch
    # h, tensor, shape, (B, N, T, F) -> (B, T, F)
    return {'h': torch.sum(nodes.mailbox['msg'], 1)}

The code fails at graph.send(graph.edges(), self.gcn_message) with CUDA Out of memory error.
Now for the inputs in the forward :
g is the DGL graph with 100-1000 nodes per datapoint. The code fails even with batch size 1.

Say in my current forward pass:

g has 600 nodes, N=600

edge_weights have the size ntsx(N*N), where nts is the number of temporal sets. nts is in the order of 10-100. taking nts value as 80 here. Then

edge_weights is 80x360000 ~ 25 million and is sparse

node_features is 600x32

Do I need to change/optimize any of the functions here?

Please follow this PR:

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