How to get the result after doing link prediction

Hi everyone,
I am confused how can I read the link prediction result after I trained the model
Let say I ran the code posted on
And I got pos_score as the pred outcome
but how can I know which edge is predicted to exist (like node a to node b) ?
I saw previously someone said we can use pos_score.view(num_node,num_node) to get a adj matrix but it raised error as the torch size of pos_score is not fit the shape
error message: shape ‘[2708, 2708]’ is invalid for input of size 1055

The task of link prediction requires predicting missing edges. After training, you have a model for scoring arbitrary pairs of nodes. A naive approach is then scoring all node pairs that do not form an existing edge in the graph and treating the node pairs with a score higher than a pre-specified threshold as predicted edges.

pos_score.view(num_node,num_node) will not work for the tutorial as it consists of scores for the existing edges.

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