How does SAGEConv works?

Hi everyone, I am crrently working with GraphSAGE algorithm, and I am using SAGEConv() module from the dgl library.

I have several questions:

  1. Does the aggregator_type = pool performs a maxpooling or a minpooling ?
  2. Can SAGEConv be applied on directed graph such as this one ?
  3. If I can apply it to this kind of graphs, do I have to put a self loop on all the nodes to perform graphSAGE as the authors mentionned or is it better if it remains without self loop ?

Thank you a lot for your help and response !
Have a nice day !



It can because SAGEConv will incorporate both the embeddings from neighbors and the embeddings from the node itself, so it is similar to having self loops in the graph.

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Thank you a lot for your answer ! @minjie

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