HELP: Low Scores With My Model :(

Hi everyone! I’m stuck on my project for a month.

More precisely, I’m trying to train my GAT model over a single graph for node classification.
Nodes have a feature vector of 20 elements, and a label (0,1,2,3).
I saved my DGL graph in a bin with all the information. When I need to train, I load the graph using dgl.

The problem is that I expect that since Im using a single Graph (instead than all the graphs) the Model should overfit because I’m using only it as a sample. This doesn’t happen.

My graph contains 2k nodes and the relation is ‘Adjacency’ so if A is adjacent to B then they will be related to each other.

This is my model:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import dgl.nn as dglnn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class GATLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, num_heads):
        super(GATLayer, self).__init__()
        self.gat = dglnn.GATConv(in_feats=in_features, out_feats=out_features, num_heads=num_heads, allow_zero_in_degree=True)

    def forward(self, graph, inputs):
        return self.gat(graph, inputs)

class GATDummy(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_features, hidden_features, num_heads, num_classes):
        super(GATDummy, self).__init__()
        self.layer1 = GATLayer(in_features, hidden_features, num_heads)
        self.layer2 = GATLayer(hidden_features * num_heads, hidden_features, 2)
        self.layer3 = GATLayer(hidden_features * 2, hidden_features, 2)
        self.layer4 = GATLayer(hidden_features * 2, hidden_features, 1)
        self.layer5 = GATLayer(hidden_features, num_classes, 1)

    def forward(self, graph, inputs):
        h = self.layer1(graph, inputs)
        h = F.elu(h)
        h = h.view(h.shape[0], -1)
        h = self.layer2(graph, h)
        h = F.elu(h)
        h = h.view(h.shape[0], -1)
        h = self.layer3(graph, h)
        h = F.elu(h)
        h = h.view(h.shape[0], -1)
        h = self.layer4(graph, h)
        h = F.elu(h)
        h = h.view(h.shape[0], -1)
        h = self.layer5(graph, h)
        return h.view(h.shape[0], -1)

I’m using 256 as hidden features.

My training function is this:

def train(dgl_train_graphs, dgl_validation_graphs, model, loss_w):

    # Define the optimizer

    optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)

    print('Training started...')

    for e in range(500):


        total_loss = 0

        total_recall = 0

        total_precision = 0

        total_train_f1 = 0

        for g in dgl_train_graphs:

            # Get the features, labels, and masks for the current graph

            features = g.ndata["feat"]

            labels = g.ndata["label"]

            # 1,2,3,4 -> 0,1,2,3
            labels = labels - 1

            # Forward pass

            logits = model(g, features)

            # Compute prediction

            pred = torch.argmax(logits, dim=1)

            # Compute loss with class weights

            criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=loss_w)

            loss = criterion(logits, labels)

            # 0,1,2,3 -> 1,2,3,4

            pred = pred + 1
            labels = labels + 1

            recall, precision, f1 = compute_metrics(pred, labels)

            # Accumulate loss and accuracy values for this graph

            total_loss += loss.item()

            total_recall += recall.item()

            total_precision += precision.item()

            total_train_f1 += f1.item()

            # Backward pass




        print(f"EPOCH {e} | loss: {avg_loss:.3f} | precision train WT: {avg_train_precision:.3f} | f1-score train WT: {avg_train_f1:.3f}|")  

This are my results:

EPOCH 6 | loss: 2.557 | precision train WT: 0.041 | f1-score train WT: 0.079|
EPOCH 7 | loss: 2.736 | precision train WT: 0.041 | f1-score train WT: 0.079|
EPOCH 8 | loss: 1.935 | precision train WT: 0.041 | f1-score train WT: 0.079|
EPOCH 9 | loss: 1.500 | precision train WT: 0.044 | f1-score train WT: 0.085|
EPOCH 132 | loss: 1.158 | precision train WT: 0.091 | f1-score train WT: 0.166|
EPOCH 133 | loss: 1.166 | precision train WT: 0.098 | f1-score train WT: 0.173|
EPOCH 134 | loss: 1.183 | precision train WT: 0.083 | f1-score train WT: 0.153|
EPOCH 135 | loss: 1.182 | precision train WT: 0.099 | f1-score train WT: 0.173|
EPOCH 136 | loss: 1.162 | precision train WT: 0.086 | f1-score train WT: 0.158|
EPOCH 493 | loss: 0.637 | precision train WT: 0.105 | f1-score train WT: 0.189|
EPOCH 494 | loss: 0.639 | precision train WT: 0.126 | f1-score train WT: 0.223|
EPOCH 495 | loss: 0.635 | precision train WT: 0.104 | f1-score train WT: 0.187|
EPOCH 496 | loss: 0.629 | precision train WT: 0.118 | f1-score train WT: 0.210|
EPOCH 497 | loss: 0.629 | precision train WT: 0.118 | f1-score train WT: 0.210|
EPOCH 498 | loss: 0.631 | precision train WT: 0.105 | f1-score train WT: 0.190|
EPOCH 499 | loss: 0.628 | precision train WT: 0.120 | f1-score train WT: 0.213|

Im very frustrated and I can’t understand what is wrong. I checked my features and they are meaningful, look this picture:


Label: 1,2,4 are tumoral nodes
Label: 3 are non tumoral nodes

Why my model is so weak?

Try using one or two GAT layers first. In the example, you used five. How to read the figures you posted? What do the x-axis and y-axis stand for?

Obviously I tried with less layers and what happened is that the model didn’t learn effectively.

The figures you see there are percentiles. Each node of the graph is associated with a feature vector of 20 elements that are 10,25,50,75,90th percentiles for each of the 4 MRI scans modality (3D images with different filters). In order to see if the values are different I plotted their mean based on the labels.

Did you manage to overfit a multi-layer perceptron without the graph?

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