(HELP!) Installation for dgl 0.8.2

I used dgl 0.8.2 maybe for heterogenous graphsage experiment.
But some error occurred with the package update and I mistakenly installed
latest version of dgl.
I want to use dgl version 0.8.2 but when I tried
pip install dgl==0.8.2 in my virtual environment, error message said that
there is no corresponding version with that.
I tried all day long to debug this error and found right version with my environment, but I couldn’t…

I use PyTorch with 1.9.1+cu111 and I didn’t changed that.
As I remember, all of code worked well with dgl 0.8.2
I want to use the source of dgl 0.8.2 But I don’t know how to do!!!
Please Help Me.

You can build it from source. You can get the source code from here and then build and install it following the instructions in official Install and Setup guide.

Which operating system are you using (windows, Linux, or mac)? Feel free to ask if you have any problems building DGL from source.

You could also try

pip install dgl-cu111==0.8.2 -f https://data.dgl.ai/wheels/repo.html

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