Get Features from fine tuned BERT Model


It’s my first time using DGL. I notice that many people use Bert as the feature for the GNN nodes. But my question is, can I fine-tune my Bert in the same dataset first. Then use the fine-tuned Bert as the features for the GNN nodes? I haven’t seen people do this before, so it is a little bit confusing for me.

For example, if I am doing a classification task, I first train a model based on a Bert and FNN. Then I choose the fine-tuned Bert with best dev set performance as the features of my GCN model. Then I do this task with the GCN model. Does it make sense? Or is it some kind of cheating?

I think it makes sense as long as you do not train the Bert on the validation and test set. You might find this paper relevant.

Thanks for your reply. It really helps a lot!

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