General Question in learning graphs

Firstly, may I please shout out to the contributors to this community, you guys are amazing !

found out about graphs network not so long ago, it truly has a much steeper learning curve than ordinary neural network → CNN/RNN … after reading through the documentations and tutorial still feel like I know nothing lol …

would any experienced member kindly share/point out some advices as to how/what to look at to learn this field faster .

would appreciate something like paper with code . recommend any good project on Github or anywhere that uses DGL , and want to look at some pros to use advanced message passing to learn from .

Thank you very much for your time in reading my question

Good. You passed the dunning-kruger bump then :slight_smile:

Just doing it.
and recent paper implementations. You can also try implementing some model as example in dgl from paper and contributing back to repo

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