FileNotFoundError: Cannot find DGL C++ sparse library at E:\\dgl_sparse_pytorch_2.0.1.dll

FileNotFoundError: Cannot find DGL C++ sparse library at E:\python\lib\site-packages\dgl\dgl_sparse\dgl_sparse_pytorch_2.0.1.dll

install dgl just dgl_sparse_pytorch_2.0.0.dll,is there a new version?

well,just need change its name…

He @X_XSM , DGL sparse doesn’t officially support Pytorch 2.0.1 for now. We will make a minor release to support it soon.

Hi @czkkkkkk, I have the same issue, hence I can’t use graph.adjacency_matrix().
How can I go trough this issue ?

Thanks !

DGL 1.1.1 supports 2.0.1 now. However, the behavior of graph.adjacency_matrix() is changed. It returns a DGL sparse matrix.

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