Error in applying APPNP Conv layer

I am applying APPNP Conv through this way

self.conv1 = APPNPConv(in_feats, h_feats, alpha=0.1, k=10)

I am facing error, how can I resolve this error?

self.conv1 = APPNPConv(in_feats, h_feats, alpha=0.1, k=10)
TypeError: init() got multiple values for argument ‘alpha’

Please note that you should instantiate the module first, then pass the input data for computation. You may refer to APPNPConv — DGL 1.1.1 documentation for the example usage of this module.

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Thanyou for referring. Can you provide me a simple example if I want to utilie APNPConv to generate the deep network how I will do this? I want to apply the APNPConv the same way as in below example the GCNConv has applied.

class Net(nn.Module):
def init(self):
super(Net, self).init()
self.layer1 = GCNLayer(1433, 16)
self.layer2 = GCNLayer(16, 7)

def forward(self, g, features):
    x = F.relu(self.layer1(g, features))
    x = self.layer2(g, x)
    return x

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