Error for fp16 sparse-dense matrix multiplication

I need to use sparse matrix multiplication with float16/bfloat16 precision, but I got the following error:

“[09:33:53] /opt/dgl/src/array/cuda/./spmm.cuh:639: SpMMCoo doesn’t support half precision fow now. Please use SpMMCsr instead by allowing the graph materialize CSR/CSC formats.”

Is there a way to make it work? How can I use SpMMCsr?

Below a minimal example for reproduction:

import dgl.sparse as dglsp
import torch

dev = torch.device('cpu')
indices = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]], device=dev)
val = torch.randn(indices.shape[1], device=dev).half()
A = dglsp.spmatrix(indices, val)
X = torch.randn(2, 3, device=dev).half()
result = dglsp.spmm(A, X)

Torch version: 2.3.0+cu121
Dgl version: 2.3.0+cu121

Hi, thanks for reporting. You could use A.csr() to get csr representation from a DGL sparse matrix and recreate one using dglsp.from_csr. See code below:

import dgl.sparse as dglsp
import torch

dev = torch.device('cuda:0')
indices = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]], device=dev)
val = torch.randn(indices.shape[1], device=dev).half()
A = dglsp.spmatrix(indices, val)
X = torch.randn(2, 3, device=dev).half()

# convert to CSR
indptr, indices, val_idx = A.csr()
A_csr = dglsp.from_csr(indptr, indices, A.val[val_idx].half(), shape=A.shape)

result = dglsp.spmm(A_csr, X)

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