EdgeGATConv graph classification model

Hello. I’m making Graph classification model using EdgeGATConv layer. I’m trying to understand every step but it is hard. I have several questions with my code and I need some help of experts :sob:. Here is my Code.

1. Data Load
I sucessfully loaded data from my csv files.

dataset = dgl.data.CSVDataset('./GC')



graph0, data0 = dataset[0]



Graph(num_nodes = 553, num_edges = 737,

ndata_schemes = {'feat' : Scheme(shape=(3,), dtype=torch.float32)}

edata_schemes = {'feat' : Scheme(shape=(2,), dtype=torch.float32)}



#{'feat' : tensor([5790.]), 'label' : tensor([1])}

2. Train / Test split, Batch
Then I split the data as train / test and batch.

from dgl.dataloading import GraphDataLoader

from torch.utils.data.sampler import SubsetRandomSampler

num_data = len(dataset)

num_train = int(num_data * 0.8)

train_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(torch.arange(num_train))

test_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(torch.arange(num_train, num_data))

train_dataloader = GraphDataLoader(


sampler = train_sampler,

batch_size = 100,

drop_last = False)

test_dataloader = GraphDataLoader(


sampler = test_sampler,

batch_size = 100,

drop_last = False)

3. Modeling
Then I made model like this.

class EdgeGATModel(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, in_feats, edge_feats, hidden_feats, out_feats, num_heads):

        super(EdgeGATModel, self).__init__()

        self.edge_gat1 = EdgeGATConv(in_feats=in_feats,




        self.edge_gat2 = EdgeGATConv(in_feats=num_heads * hidden_feats,




        self.classify = nn.Linear(hidden_feats * num_heads, 1)


    def forward(self, graph, node_feats, edge_feats, num_heads):

        hidden1 = self.edge_gat1(graph, node_feats, edge_feats)

        hidden1 = hidden1.view(hidden1.shape[0], -1)

        hidden1 = F.leaky_relu(hidden1)

        hidden2 = self.edge_gat2(graph, hidden1, edge_feats)

        hidden2 = hidden2.view(hidden2.shape[0], -1)

        hidden2 = F.leaky_relu(hidden2)

        hidden2 = self.classify(hidden2)

        return hidden2

4. Training and Evaluating

def train(model, dataloader):


    for batched_graph, labels in dataloader:

        batched_graph = dgl.add_self_loop(batched_graph)


        pred = model(batched_graph, batched_graph.ndata['feat'], batched_graph.edata['feat'], num_heads)

        loss = criterion(pred, labels.float())



# Code for evaluation

def evaluate(model, dataloader):


    num_correct = 0

    num_tests = 0

    for batched_graph, labels in dataloader:

        batched_graph = dgl.add_self_loop(batched_graph)

        with torch.no_grad():

            pred = model(batched_graph, batched_graph.ndata['feat'], batched_graph.edata['feat'], num_heads)

            pred_labels = (torch.sigmoid(pred) >= 0.5).squeeze().long()

            num_correct += (pred_labels == labels).sum().item()

            num_tests += len(labels)

    accuracy = num_correct / num_tests

    return accuracy

# Create train and test dataloaders using SubsetRandomSampler

train_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(torch.arange(num_train))

test_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(torch.arange(num_train, num_data))

train_dataloader = GraphDataLoader(dataset, sampler=train_sampler, batch_size=100, drop_last=False)

test_dataloader = GraphDataLoader(dataset, sampler=test_sampler, batch_size=100, drop_last=False)

# Initialize your model

model = EdgeGATModel(in_feats=3, edge_feats=2, hidden_feats=64, out_feats=1, num_heads=3)

# Define your loss function

criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()

# Define your optimizer

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

# Perform training for epochs

from tqdm import tqdm

for epoch in tqdm(range(10), desc="Training Epochs"):

    train(model, train_dataloader)

    accuracy = evaluate(model, test_dataloader)

    print(f"Epoch: {epoch+1}, Test accuracy: {accuracy}")

1st question :
My goal is to make 2-step layer like this.
Is it right to make layers like what I did? I’m not sure about the multi - head attention concept.
EX) 8 nodes with 20 featrues (8,20) → multi head(3) attention with 15 hidden features → (8, 3, 15) → reshape → (8, 45) → Average ? or just use this as input of layer2 ?

2nd question:
I’m facing error with loss calculation. How should I fix the code to make same shape of my pred and label?

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate for any apply or advice.

For the first question, either concatenation or average should work. You may want to try both empirically and see which option yields better performance.

What’s the current shape of your pred and label?

Thanks for your apply, mufeili.
8 nodes with 20 featrues (8,20) → multi head(3) attention with 15 hidden features → (8, 3, 15) → reshape → (8, 45) → concatenation or averaging → input for 2nd EdgeGATConv layer → same tasks → graph embedding. Right ?

I don’t know exactly because AttributeError in that point. (‘dict’ object has no attribute ‘float’) I think here is problematic.
loss = criterion(pred, labels.float())
label of data is ‘label’ : tensor([1])

It seems that labels is a dict in your case and you need to retrieve the tensor from the dict.

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