Distributed Training: [Graphsage Training]

I am new on DGL, I am training GNN on distributed environment, dgl/examples/pytorch/graphsage/dist at master · dmlc/dgl · GitHub
I am trying to run on standalone mode on single CPU for testing. Here is my Environment setup:
Python -v:- 3.9.10
DGl -v:- 0.7.2
MacBook:- 11.6.1 (Bigsur)
While running training script. I am getting below error:-

If anyone have faced this type of issue then please let me know.

could you try with DGL 0.8 just released. dgl/train_dist.py at 0.8.x · dmlc/dgl · GitHub

what’s more, Linux(such as Ubuntu) is the only well-verified platform for distributed train, though it may work on macOS.

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