Dgl.graphbolt not found

import dgl.graphbolt as gb
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘dgl.graphbolt’

I uninstalled dgl and reinstalled it, but the issue persisted. I am able to import dgl just fine, but not graphbolt. I can’t even use dgl.graphbolt in the actual code.

Just finished a fresh install of miniconda with python 3.12. Had to downgrade to 11.8 after I couldn’t install dgl. Still can’t use graphbolt. Latest pytorch was installed prior to dgl

  • DGL Version: 2.0.0
  • Backend Library & Version: pytorch 2.2.0
  • OS: Windows
  • How you installed DGL (conda, pip, source): conda
  • Python version: 3.11.8
  • CUDA/cuDNN version: none

DGL 2.0.0 does not support torch 2.2.0. Please install the latest DGL 2.1.0 which supports torch 2.2.x.

The query conda search -c dglteam dgl shows me that the latest version available there is 2.0.0. When will the latest version be available for Windows?

I downgraded my pytorch to 2.0.1 cpu_py311hd080823_0 and it still doesn’t work.

DGL is installed in the correct python version directory (\Python\Python311\site-packages\dgl), and I am able to import DGL just fine. I was also able to use basic functionality of DGL: I made an empty graph dgl.graph(([],[])) and didn’t get an error.

I also tried to comment out import dgl.graphbolt as gb and replaced ‘gb’ with ‘dgl.graphbolt’ in my entire script, but to no avail.

We’re working on it.

For DGL 2.0.0 + torch 2.0.1, it works well with dgl.graph but failed when import dgl.graphbolt as gb?

Blockquote For DGL 2.0.0 + torch 2.0.1, it works well with dgl.graph but failed when import dgl.graphbolt as gb ?

Yes, exactly. The commands for dgl work (I typed dgl.path, and made the empty graph), but as soon as I use ‘dgl.graphbolt’ anywhere, I get an error.

could you file an issue in DGL github repo: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub, please provide the detailed platform, versions of DGL/pytorch/cuda as well.

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