DGL and CUDA compatibiility


I am trying to install DGL with CUDA support. I am faced with an error saying my GLIBC is outdated v2.17 and the required version is 2.27. But since I do not have sudo privileges I am not able to update my linux to have the latest version of 2.27. Is there any workaround to this? Should I try with an older version of DGL?

Thank you

One thing you can do is to get or compile a newer glibc on you personnal environnement and do something like that.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

to change the path of your glibc .
I do know the exact process but i think this a good way.
Check on the web how to have multiple version of glibc on the same device and how to use it

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