Dgl 1.1.3 + cu121 + windows

ref: https://data.dgl.ai/wheels/cu121/repo.html

Any plan to add a dgl 1.1.3 + cu113 + windows wheel soon?

As the minimum Pytorch version DGL 1.1.3 supported is 1.13 and it supports cuda 11.6 and 11.7 only. So there’s no plan to add support for cu113.

please check requirements here: Deep Graph Library.

That was an typo, sry. I mean dgl 1.1.3 + cu121 + windows

We are rolling out DGL 2.0 + cu121 + windows. Probably available next week.

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Hi, @Rhett-Ying, any updates?

We have released DGL 2.0.0 for Linux. But Windows packages are not ready yet. we’re still working on it.

@e-yi cu118/cu121 is ready for Windows. pls try with pip install dgl -f https://data.dgl.ai/wheels/cu118/repo.html

Great! Thanks for the efforts!

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