Hey guys it has been a struggle for me to use DGL to do what I want to. It seems simple: I have multiple pairs of CSVs (nodes and edges) and I would like to do a regression node prediction while using some of the graphs as train and other graphs as test.
I am having trouble creating the dataset with multiple CSVs, the DGL documentation seems limited to me and I couldn’t find other examples doing what I want to. Here is what I have so far:
import dgl
from dgl.data import DGLDataset
import torch
import os
import pandas as pd
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
import dgl.nn as dglnn
#designPath = ""
class DataSetFromYosys(DGLDataset):
def __init__( self, designPath ):
self.path = designPath
def process( self ):
nodes_data = pd.read_csv( self.path / 'gatesToHeat.csv' )
edges_data = pd.read_csv( self.path / 'DGLedges.csv')
edges_src = torch.from_numpy(edges_data['Src'].to_numpy())
edges_dst = torch.from_numpy(edges_data['Dst'].to_numpy())
self.graph = dgl.graph((edges_src, edges_dst), num_nodes=nodes_data.shape[0])
self.graph.ndata['type'] = torch.from_numpy(nodes_data['type'].astype('category').cat.codes.to_numpy())
self.graph.ndata['conCount'] = torch.from_numpy(nodes_data['conCount'].to_numpy())
self.graph.ndata['placementHeat'] = torch.from_numpy (nodes_data['placementHeat'].to_numpy())
self.graph.ndata['powerHeat'] = torch.from_numpy (nodes_data['powerHeat'].to_numpy())
self.graph.ndata['routingHeat'] = torch.from_numpy (nodes_data['routingHeat'].to_numpy())
self.graph.ndata['irDropHeat'] = torch.from_numpy (nodes_data['irDropHeat'].to_numpy())
self.graph.ndata['label'] = self.graph.ndata['placementHeat']
# If your dataset is a node classification dataset, you will need to assign
# masks indicating whether a node belongs to training, validation, and test set.
# n_nodes = nodes_data.shape[0]
# n_train = int(n_nodes * 0.6)
# n_val = int(n_nodes * 0.2)
# train_mask = torch.zeros(n_nodes, dtype=torch.bool)
# val_mask = torch.zeros(n_nodes, dtype=torch.bool)
# test_mask = torch.zeros(n_nodes, dtype=torch.bool)
# train_mask[:n_train] = True
# val_mask[n_train:n_train + n_val] = True
# test_mask[n_train + n_val:] = True
# self.graph.ndata['train_mask'] = train_mask
# self.graph.ndata['val_mask'] = val_mask
# self.graph.ndata['test_mask'] = test_mask
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.graph
def __len__(self):
return 1
class SAGE(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_feats, hid_feats, out_feats):
self.conv1 = dglnn.SAGEConv(
in_feats=in_feats, out_feats=hid_feats, aggregator_type='lstm')
self.conv2 = dglnn.SAGEConv(
in_feats=hid_feats, out_feats=out_feats, aggregator_type='lstm')
def forward(self, graph, inputs):
# inputs are features of nodes
h = self.conv1(graph, inputs)
h = F.relu(h)
h = self.conv2(graph, h)
return h
def evaluate( model, graph, features, labels, valid_mask, train_mask ):
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(graph, features)
logits = logits[valid_mask]
labelsAux = labels[valid_mask]
_, indices = torch.max(logits, dim=1)
correct = torch.sum(indices == labelsAux)
validAcc = correct.item() * 1.0 / len(labelsAux)
logits = model(graph, features)
logits = logits[train_mask]
labels = labels[train_mask]
_, indices = torch.max(logits, dim=1)
correct = torch.sum(indices == labels)
trainAcc = correct.item() * 1.0 / len(labels)
return trainAcc, validAcc
def evaluateNoMask( model, graph, features, labels ):
with torch.no_grad():
# logits = model(graph, features)
# logits = logits[valid_mask]
# labelsAux = labels[valid_mask]
# _, indices = torch.max(logits, dim=1)
# correct = torch.sum(indices == labelsAux)
# validAcc = correct.item() * 1.0 / len(labelsAux)
logits = model(graph, features)
# logits = logits[train_mask]
# labels = labels[train_mask]
_, indices = torch.max(logits, dim=1)
correct = torch.sum(indices == labels)
trainAcc = correct.item() * 1.0 / len(labels)
return trainAcc#, validAcc
def regressionTrain(graph):
# node_features = graph.ndata['type'][None:1]
print("\n#################\n### TRAINING ####\n#################\n")
node_features = torch.cat([graph.ndata['type'].float()[:,None], graph.ndata['conCount'].float()[:,None]], dim=1)
node_labels = graph.ndata['placementHeat'].long()
node_labels[ node_labels == -1 ] = 0
train_mask = graph.ndata['train_mask']
valid_mask = graph.ndata['val_mask']
test_mask = graph.ndata['test_mask']
n_features = node_features.shape[1]
n_labels = int(node_labels.max().item() + 1)
model = SAGE(in_feats=n_features, hid_feats=100, out_feats=n_labels)
opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.03)
loss_hist = []
trainAccHist = []
validAccHist = []
epochs = 10
for epoch in range( epochs ):
# forward propagation by using all nodes
logits = model(graph, node_features)
# compute loss
loss = F.cross_entropy( logits[train_mask], node_labels[train_mask] )
loss_hist.append( loss.item() )
# compute validation accuracy
#trainAcc, validAcc = evaluate( model, graph, node_features, node_labels, valid_mask, train_mask )
trainAcc = evaluateNoMask( model, graph, node_features, node_labels )#, valid_mask, train_mask )
validAcc = 0
trainAccHist.append( trainAcc )
validAccHist.append( validAcc )
# backward propagation
print("\n#################\n### END TRAIN ###\n#################\n")
print( "loss", loss.item(), "trainAcc", trainAcc, "validAcc", validAcc )
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
epochs_list = [i for i in range(epochs)]
ax1.plot(epochs_list, trainAccHist, label='Training accuracy')
ax1.plot(epochs_list, validAccHist, label='Validation accuracy')
ax2.plot(epochs_list, loss_hist, label='Training loss', color = 'g')
# ax2.plot(epochs_list, val_loss, label='Validation loss')
def printGraph(graph):
# graph = all_graphs[0][0]
print( "graph len:\n", graph )
#graph.ndata['type'] = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(graph.ndata['type'].to(torch.int64))
#graph.ndata['type'] = torch.from_numpy(graph.ndata['type'].astype('category').cat.codes.to_numpy())
print('We have %d nodes.' % graph.number_of_nodes())
print('We have %d edges.' % graph.number_of_edges())
# import networkx as nx
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# nx_G = graph.to_networkx()
# pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(nx_G)
# nx.draw(nx_G, pos, with_labels=True, node_color=[[.7, .7, .7]])
# plt.show()
print("len graph.ndata:",len(graph.ndata))
print("type graph.ndata:",type(graph.ndata))
#all_graphs = []
for designPath in Path( Path.cwd() ).iterdir():
if designPath.is_dir():
dataset = DataSetFromYosys( designPath )
#all_graphs.append( dataset )
#regressionTrain( all_graphs[0][0] )
#print("type(all_graphs[0]):", type(all_graphs[0]))
#print("type(all_graphs[0][0]):", type(all_graphs[0][0]))
#masterGraph = dgl.batch( [all_graphs[0][0], all_graphs[1][0]])#, all_graphs[2][0]] )
#print( "type(masterGraph):",type(masterGraph) )
#print( "masterGraph.batch_size:", masterGraph.batch_size )
#print( "masterGraph.batch_num_nodes:", masterGraph.batch_num_nodes() )
#print( "masterGraph.batch_num_edges:", masterGraph.batch_num_edges() )
print("len(dataset)", len(dataset))
print("dataset:", dataset)
print("dataset[0]:", dataset[0])
masterGraph = dgl.data.AsNodePredDataset( dataset, [0.8, 0.1, 0.1])#, target_ntype = "type" )
print( "len(masterGraph):",len(masterGraph) )
print( "type(masterGraph):",type(masterGraph) )
print( "type(masterGraph[0]):",type(masterGraph[0]) )
print( "type(masterGraph[1]):",type(masterGraph[1]) )
print( "type(masterGraph[2]):",type(masterGraph[2]) )
print( "type(masterGraph[3]):",type(masterGraph[3]) )
print( "type(masterGraph[4]):",type(masterGraph[4]) )
print( "type(masterGraph[5]):",type(masterGraph[5]) )
print( "type(masterGraph[6]):",type(masterGraph[6]) )
print( "type(masterGraph[7]):",type(masterGraph[7]) )
#regressionTrain( masterGraph[0] )
I have a bunch of questions I couldn’t find the answers myself with the documentation and previous questions in this forum:
How can I properly insert multiple graphs to a DGLdataset? Should I read all CSVs at once and have only one big graph?
Shouldn’t there be a method like “myDataset.insert(myNewGraph)”?
How do I modify the __len__ method to return the proper number of graphs? How do I modify the __getitem__ method to return the proper graph from its index?
Should I use DataLoader instead of what I have? Should I use graph batching? Am I on the right path with my code?
In another discussion a member told me to use AsNodePredDataset — DGL 1.0 documentation, although there are no examples on it and the documentation is superficial. It should help me split the data right? How do I use it, how do I extract the train or test graphs after using AsNodePredDataset?
I am assuming that after properly creating and splitting my dataset it should be easy to mimic everything on the PPI example dgl/train_ppi.py at master · dmlc/dgl · GitHub