Convert GraphSAGE node classification to node regression

I have implemented GraphSage node classification to classify 4 class, and I’m now trying to change the model from classification to regression since each node has a ground truth value.

What I have done is to change the out_dim to 1, and change the loss function to MAE.

The problem is training loss cannot decrease, I wonder if something wrong about my model.
Here is the model and loss function:

    from dgl.nn.pytorch import conv as dgl_conv

    ####take node features as input and computes node embedding as output

    class GraphSAGEModel(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self,
            super(GraphSAGEModel, self).__init__()
            self.layers = nn.ModuleList()

            # input layer
            self.layers.append(dgl_conv.SAGEConv(in_feats, n_hidden, aggregator_type,
                                             feat_drop=dropout, activation=activation))
            # hidden layers
            for i in range(n_layers - 1):
                self.layers.append(dgl_conv.SAGEConv(n_hidden, n_hidden, aggregator_type,
                                                 feat_drop=dropout, activation=activation))
            # output layer
            self.layers.append(dgl_conv.SAGEConv(n_hidden, out_dim, aggregator_type,
                                             feat_drop=dropout, activation=None))

        def forward(self, g, features):
            h = features
            for layer in self.layers:
                h = layer(g, h)
            return h

`regression = GraphSAGEModel(feat_num,64,1,2,F.relu,0.5,'gcn')`

    for epoch in range(150):
        loss_list = []
        for batch in range(graph_num):
            #logits = model(G,input_list[batch])    
            #loss_fcn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
            #loss = loss_fcn(logits[labelnodes_list[batch]], labels_list[batch])
            # change loss function 
            logits = regression(G,input_list[batch])
            loss_mae = nn.L1Loss()
            labels_list[batch].resize_(len(labels_list[batch]),1) #make tensor has same size [13,1]
            loss = loss_mae(logits[labelnodes_list[batch]], labels_list[batch])

        loss_data = np.array(loss_list).mean()    

        print("Epoch {:05d}  | Loss: {:.4f}".format(epoch + 1, loss_data))
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Could you try L2Loss and decreasing learning rate in your case?

Thanks for you advice, but the training loss still doesn’t decrease.
Is there any other methods I can try?

Could you post the training curve and the loss value here? And what’s your graph size?


My graph size is 30 nodes with 122 features each, 168 edges (non-direction graph).

And I try to reduce the feature from 122 to 60 and the results showed similarly.

Hi, I need to perform a similar task. Were you able to do it?

Hi @pmish, let’s move the discussion to the thread you created: Node Regression Example - #2 by BarclayII . Thanks.