Confusion about DGL and different backends

Hey there,

I just recently started having a first look into DGL.

I am intruiged by the fact that it comes with quite a number of models/layers already implemented.

In some flavour text, it is suggested that DGL is independent of the backend (PyTorch / Tensorflow), etc.

Does this mean that any pre-implemented layer can be executed on either of the two backends? As an example, take simple graph convolution – could I execute this while using TensorFlow as the backend as described here?

My confusion comes from the fact that in the docs there is a distinction being made between PyTorch, MXNet and Tensorflow NN modules.

Best Regards,

The NN modules for different backends are independent. DGL has implementation of GraphConv for both PyTorch and TensorFlow though.

Awesome, thanks a lot for the clarification!

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