CondaHTTPError for dgl-cuda11.3-0.8.1 happens for multiple attempts

I have been trying to install dgl with cuda support (using conda install -c dglteam dgl-cuda11.3) for the last thirty minutes, however, I keep running into a CondaHTTPError, I even tried to install it on another machine and still have the same error. The error is as follows:

Downloading and Extracting Packages
dgl-cuda11.3-0.8.1   | 189.5 MB  |                                                            |   0% 

CondaHTTPError: HTTP 404 NOT FOUND for url <>
Elapsed: 00:00.199101

I originally had dgl already in my conda environment but removing it and doing conda install -c dglteam dgl-cuda11.3 did not help. Is this a problem on my side or is there a problem with the remote where the package is stored? Many thanks.

Edit: Tried it after 11 hours from making this post and it worked on both of the machines, so I assume somehow the remote was down or something…

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there may something wrong in the remote.