Colab error when installing dgl cuda version

I am getting this error when training a model in Google Colab:
DGLError: [01:00:58] /opt/dgl/src/runtime/ Check failed: allow_missing: Device API cuda is not enabled. Please install the cuda version of dgl.

Prior to training, I run !pip install dgl-cu111 but get the following error:
Looking in indexes: Simple index,
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dgl-cu111 (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for dgl-cu111

Can anyone suggest how to install the cuda version of dgl on Google Colab?

Did you follow the installation instruction here? Deep Graph Library

Thanks. I had to run conda in colab to install it.

Do you still have the issue now?

No more issues, it is all good now. Thank you.

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