Can UVA be shareable in multi-gpu trainings?

Hi, I have tried the multi-gpu graphsage example in dgl by using use_uva=True. However, I notice that as the number of processes and GPUs increases, the CPU memory usage also increases. I believe that is caused by UVA such things. So I wonder it is possible to make UVA shareable in multi-gpu trainings?

Here I paste the remaining CPU memory in the following table.
截屏2022-05-18 下午7.14.33

The graph itself should be shared across multiple GPUs. However, it’s very possible that each process’ DataLoader (or training function) might generate some internal structure that are not shared. So I can’t say for sure if the increase is caused by DataLoader itself or other places. I can think of several things you could try to figure out where the increase happens: (1) remove all training code but keep the DataLoader, (2) vary the graph size and see if the increase scales with the graph size.

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