ImportError: Cannot load Graphbolt C++ library

Yes, I was working with dgl 2.1.0, I think I was using cuda 11.8. I was also using the container image suggested by DGL (DGL | NVIDIA NGC)

You can try to install from source. That works for me.

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In the cpu environment even the DGL 2.0.0 didn’t work for me, I was only able to install 1.1.3 without facing any issues during runtime

here’s my environment.yaml for conda

name: yourenvname
  - conda-forge
  - python=3.10
  - pytorch
  - pytorch_geometric
  - pytorch_scatter
  - pytorch_sparse
  - dgl=1.1.3

Please refer to the install page to install the latest DGL version. As DGL library directly depend on specific torch version, so please make sure DGL and pytorch versions match.

DGL 2.1.0 supports torch 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.0/1.

Hi Rhett, could you please help with the error? I haven’t been able to solve it for the last 4 hours. Thank you! :blush:

Hi I’m still seeing the same question as OP. Any help is appreciated