GAT for GRAPH classification

Thank you @mufeili, I will check your points! :smiley:

Hi @mufeili

Thanks a lot for this classification code. I have a doubt regarding the dimensions fed to the GATclassifier (1,16,8,trainset.num_classes), why are the input dimensions always 1 and gives a size mismatch error on changing it to a higher value. My data has 68 graphs with 264 nodes and 19 features per node. In this case the forward function in GATlayer, should have dimensions of β€˜h’ as VxF (68x264*19) right?, but it gives me [264,1]. Could you please help me understand how is the code incorporating node features in the model, or am I missing something here, as I do not get the VxF feature dimensions with any variable?

Thanks a lot.

You can change in_dim to the size of your node features. 1 is only for a demo. For 68 graphs with 264 nodes and 19 features per node, the dimension of β€˜h’ will be (68 * 264, 19). Have you read our user guide on graph classification?

Sorry, I misplaced the * for h dimensions in the last post. I am fairly new to deep learning and GNNs and really appreciate your help on this.

On changing the in_dim to 19 and running the code as it is, I still get size mismatch error as-
RuntimeError: size mismatch, m1: [2112 x 1], m2: [19 x 48] at /pytorch/aten/src/TH/generic/THTensorMath.cpp:41
Here 2112-batch size(8)xno.ofnodes(264) and 48-hid_dim(16)xno.of head(3)

I have gone through the graph classification tutorial of dgl that you referred to, but I am not clear on this command- h = bg.in_degrees().view(-1, 1).float() in the GATClassifier class of your code, why is it required?. On replacing it with the command- h = bg.ndata[β€˜feat’].float() the code does run without size mismatch error, but it gives me NaN values in the prediction tensor after a few batches in an epoch.
Is the modified h initialization correct?

  1. h = bg.in_degrees().view(-1, 1).float() is simply used for demo purposes and you can replace it with any initial node features. In that case, you need to change in_dim accordingly.
  2. For NaN values, it’s likely due to a gradient explosion issue. You can try replacing the GATLayer with GATConv and see if the issue still exists.

@mufeili Thanks a lot for your suggestions. The GATConv class works well.

I am using your GAT code for Graph classification
I have some questions:
My own dataset I have for each graph
1- Adjacency matrix
2-feature matrix
3-label matrix
I directly use them in the for loop on graphs
to cope with your code I first convert adjacency matrix to Graph
G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(adj1,create_using=nx.DiGraph())
for features i have feature vector of 209 features for each node
I added it to the graph
then in forward function of GAT classifier
Is that right ?
the code works but it gives nan values randomly in some runs
I need to try GATconv also would you please tell me where I can find its code as i could not find it in the link above
Many thanks for your help

You are using highly outdated APIs. Take a look at:

Thanks for your response
I am working on using dgl dataloader
But is the old way i use the reason for nan values ?

I’m not sure. Perhaps you can provide a minimal script for reproducing the nan issues.